Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Great Class

One of the things I like the most about this class is what I didn't learn.  I know that sounds ludicrous, but it's true.  In most of the courses I've taken it is made clear at the beginning of the semester what is to be learned and how we are to demonstrate what we have learned throughout the semester.  But Dr. Sexson's class has been different from this academic norm and I think it demonstrates his expertise as a professor.

To be specific, he's never given us his interpretation of the characteristics of romance, he let Frye lay out a framework, and then creatively expounded on some other major points, often through his own stories, and never connected the dots.  Brilliant.

I remember feeling a bit sad, no offense to my very talented classmates, when we started the group/paper presentations because it was the last time Dr. Sexson was going to throw out another handful of gems.  Why I call them gems is because I'd often have to ponder some of them for days before I grasped them in their entirety, and some of them I'm still pondering.  For example, in just the first few days of class he said, "We tell stories to have a victory over death."  I'm still discovering what that means.

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