I have been inspired by the common thread of courage that runs through the actions of many of the characters in these oceans of stories...
A few examples of courage in Haroun and the Sea of Stories:
Haroun leaps into the unknown to save his father's art of story telling.
"'And off we go,' carolled Iff, much too loud for Haroun's liking; and then the Water Genie skipped up on the window sill and thence o the Hoopoe's back---and Haroun, with scarcely a moment to reflect on the wisdom of what he was doing, and still wearing his long red nightshirt with purple patches, and clutching the Disconnecting Tool firmly in his left hand, followed" (65).
Mudra and his shadow risks everything to defeat the Cultmaster.
"'Yes, I will help.' the Shadow Warrior said. 'For the Cultmaster must surely be defeated'" (135).
Blabbermouth risks life and limb to save Prince Bolo and General Kitab from the juggling bomber.
"'Will you for Pet's sake look out?' yelled Blabbermouth, rushing forwards and sending Prince Bolo (and his chair) flying sideways. 'The guy's got a live bomb!'" (182).
A few examples of courage in An Ephesian Tale:
"But Habrocumes and Anthia ran to the pirate Corymbos and said, 'Keep the property and ourselves as slaves, master, but spare our lives and do not murder those who willingly submit to you. Do not so, we beseech you, by the sea itself, by your right hand. Take us withersoever you will, sell us who are your slaves; only take pity and dispose of us to the same master'" (16).
"There they set up their cross and attached him [Hobrocumes] to it. . . . But Hobrocumes turned his eyes to the sun, and then looked upon the stream of the Nile, and said, 'O thou of gods most benevolent to man, who dost hold Egypt in thy sway and hast made earth and sea appear to all mankind: if Habrocomes has committed any wrong, may I perish miserably and undergo even crueller punishment than this, if such there be; but if I have been betrayed by a lewd woman, may the stream of Nile never be polluted by the body of a man unjustly done to death...'" (34).
"But Anthia was overwhelmed by fear for what she had done, and turned many plans over in her mind: now that she would kill herself---but she still had a vestige of hope for Habrocomes; now that she would flee from the cave---but this was impractical, for there was no easy road or anyone to give her guidance. And so she resolved to remain in the cave and endure whatever her fate would decree" (36).
Daphnis and Chloe, in the pure courage of their innocence to stand together through the trials until they were allowed to marry.
Lucius persevering through his trials as an ass without giving up.
Thecla, maintaining her virginity and faith even though her mother was willing to destroy her; Thecla faced the flames and lions with courage.
All of these acts of courage are inspiring, and could be one of the reasons these stories live on.